
Thank you to former students, colleagues, and friends who have stepped forward for this important effort. Your participation means so much to Dr. Bob and to NYU Stern. Every gift, large or small, brings us closer to our goal of $2.5 million. Donors to the Robert Kavesh Professorship receive special mention in the NYU Stern annual report.
Lewis Altfest, MBA '70
Madelyn Antoncic MPHIL '81, PhD '83
S. William Aronson, BS '49
Anthony Aufiero, MBA '99
Peter Barna, MBA '97
Nancy and Edward E. Barr BS '57
Battelle Memorial Institute
Alberto Benbassat MBA '81
Herbert Berger
Neil Binder MBA '76
Scott Binder, MBA '80
Dolores Briante
Kenneth Browne MBA '95
Carol Bourdette, MBA '85
David Budinger, Jr. MBA '78
Natlie Calabro, MBA '57, PhD '66
Milton Campbell, MBA '80, PA '82
Paul Candee MBA '82
Jennifer Chaiken, MBA '80
Brenda Childers, MBA '90
Rita Chu, BS '97
Thomas Chubet MBA '72
Griffith Clarke MBA '71
Michael Clark MBA '98
Elizabeth Clouston MBA '08
Michael Commins, BS '70
Thomas F. Cooley
Kim Corfman
Carlton B. Crenshaw MBA '71
Madeline Dale MBA '47
Joanne DeHaven MBA '87
Brendan Delaney MBA '97
Annemarie Della Pietra, MBA '97
Daniel Diamond PhD '58
Brian DiDonato MBA '95
William Donohue MBA '91
Lisa D'Urso, MBA '97
Henry Dykema, MBA '70
Michael Edelman, BS '75, MBA '77
Lois (MBA '80) and Isaac Eida MBA '79
Mary Farrell, MBA '76
Barry K. Fingerhut MBA '69
Stuart Fisher, MBA '94
Sean Flanagan MBA '95
Karen Friedman, MBA '86
Jason Fromberg, MBA '00
Athanassios Frontistis MBA '70
Christine (BS '87, MBA '92) and Alan Gallo, BS '87, MBA '90
Leslie Gardner, MBA '79
Grace Garnice
Lisa Mackay-Smith (MBA '00) and Matthieu Gervis, MBA '99
Dr. Abraham Gitlow
Agnes Goldberger, MBA '80
Joann Goodspeed, MBA '81
Steven Gradow MBA '82
Terence Greene MBA '97
Andrea Mitchell and Alan Greenspan, BS '48, MA '50, PhD '77, Hon. '05
Eric Grover MBA '89
William Haemmerle, MBA �96
James Harvey, MBA '99
Robert Hawkens, MBA '66, PhD '66
Steven Heller, MBA �83
William Henson, MBA '85
Jonathan Insull, MBA '94
Jim Iseman, MBA �85
Carol Jacobi MBA '80
Barbara Jacobs, MBA �83
Susan Jacobs BS '79, MBA '80
Christine Jurinich, MBA '99
Jonathan Kanders MBA '88
Dahlia Kang, MBA '03
Michelle Kapp, MBA '02
Stewart Karlinsky, PhD '81
Allan and Penny Katz
Henry Kaufman, PhD '58
Andrew Kavesh, WSC '85
Joseph Kavesh
Laura Kavesh
Richard Kavesh
Robert Kavesh, BS '49
Ruth Kavesh, MPA '73 Wagner
Vassilis Kertsikoff, MBA '95
William King, MBA '85
Donald Kirsch, BS '52
Melinda Kirstein MBA '85
Mark Kritzman, MBA '77
Andrew Kurian MBA '96
Hugh Lambert, MBA '96
Harry Lander, MBA '01
Kenneth Lehrer, MBA '69, PhD '80 Wagner
Mimi Leitner, MBA '97
Alan Lerner, MBA '68
Alan Levenson MBA '84, PhD '87
Christine (BS '69 Steinhardt) and Ira Levy, ADCRT '83 Steinhardt
James Lewis MBA '97
David Liebeskind, PhD '72
Richard Macris, WSC '80, MBA '82
Jay Malick, MBA '97
Joseph Manogue, MBA '93
Jeanne Marano, MA '91 Steinhardt
Roland Marchand, Jr., MBA '95
Joan Martens, MBA '75
Annette Martin, BS '61, MBA '71
Mastrapasqua Family Foundation
Sean McCormick, MBA '97
Rose McSween MBA '97
Joan Meixner, MBA '98
Donald Mellon, MBA '69, PhD '75
Julie (MBA '99) and Lance Meyerowich MBA '97
Sheila Millen
Richard Mitzner, MBA '88
Jason Molesworth, MBA '07
The Trustees of Neuberger Berman Mutual Funds
John Cannon
Faith Colish
Martha Goss
C. Anne Harvey
Michael Knetter
Howard Mileaf
George W. Morriss
Edward I. O'Brien
Jack Rivkin
William Rulon
Cornelius Ryan
Tom Seip
Candace Straight MBA '82
Peter Trapp
Bruce Nisker MBA '87
Daniel Nita, MBA '95
Christopher O'Connell MBA '00
Michael Oratis, MBA '84
Barbara Perlmutter MBA '79
Dorothy Philips, MBA '64, PhD '71
Alina Plaia, MBA '03
John B. Poindexter PhD '76
Alexander Powers MBA '83
Mitch Protass MBA '97
Dr. Thomas Pugel
Joseph Rebovich, PhD '72
Donald Reid, MBA '74
Martin Revson
Alan Romney, BS '72, MBA '80
Robert Rosch
Elise Rosenberg, MBA '99
James Rowan, MBA '66
Beth Rubin
Daniel Ryan, MBA '98
George Salem MBA '67
Albert Salvatico, MBA '77
William Sarubbi, BS '71, MBA '72
Leora Schachter, MBA '94
Michael Schiff, PhD '47
Carol Bassette Schmidt, MBA '82
William Schneper, MBA �97
Robert Schpoont, MBA �88
Harriet (WSC '49) and Abe Slivka
Sam Stovall MBA '87
Patricia Tiensch, MBA '77
Leslie Toepfer, MBA '81
Gordon Townsend, MBA '81
Ruth Kavesh Ttee
Kathryn Turck-Rose, MBA '85
Paul A. Volcker, Hon. '83
Dan Wassong
Paul Wachtel
Joseph Wekselblatt MBA '84
Richard West
Lawrence White
Bryan Wiener, MBA '97
Glenn Wittpenn MBA '97
Judith Woodard, MBA 79
Robert Wright
Robert Wright MBA '75
Kinne (MBA '80) and Michael Yon MBA '80
Era Yoo MBA '04
Letty Zemaitis, MBA �01
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Zicklin
We hope you will join us in our tribute to Dr. Bob
by selecting one or more of the following ways to honor him.
- "Bob Kavesh was a great teacher and mentor... With his support and encouragement-especially during challenging times..."
- Barbara Perlmutter, MBA '79
- Senior Vice President of Public Affairs (Retired)
- Marsh & McLennan Companies
- "Dr. Bob is one of those rare individuals who make a lasting impression on your life..."
- Lance Meyerowich, MBA '97
- Managing Director
- Goldman Sachs
- "Bob Kavesh-what can I say? He was and is a remarkable teacher, but more than that he was and is a remarkable friend..."
- Cathy Minehan, MBA '77
- Partner
- Arlington Advisory Partners
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