1. & 6. Alumni mixed and mingled at the Conference.
2. Dean Thomas F. Cooley met with Barcelona’s city leaders (from left to right) Josep Maria Cervera, the Honorable Josep M. Basañez, and Andreu Puig Sabanés (MBA ’91).
3. Traditional Spanish music greeted alumni and kicked off the Conference.
4. Friendships are forged at the Global Alumni Conferences: brothers Peter and Paul Seroka (MBA ’05) (pictured on both ends) enjoyed the company of Mark (MBA ’06) and Samantha Bean (center) and Molly Meek (MBA ’04).
5. (From left to right) Professor Al Lieberman; Michael Barker, Co-president and Co-founder of Sony Pictures Classics; and Dean Sally Blount were among the Conference’s esteemed speakers.
7. (From left to right) Dean Thomas F. Cooley, Stefano Russo (MBA ’81), Mark Patterson (MBA ’86), and William R. Berkley (BS ’66), Chairman of the Stern Board of Overseers, celebrate the strength of the Stern community.
8. Juan Antonio Samaranch-Salisachs (MBA ’86) chaired the Barcelona 2009 Host Committee.
9. Flamenco dancers accompanied a guitar orchestra in a special tribute performance at the closing dinner.
10.(From left to right) Joan Bloom (MBA ’66), Susan Jurevics (MBA ’96), and Professor Al Lieberman discussed the latest developments in the Entertainment, Media & Technology program during the opening reception at the Hotel Arts.
11.Alumni enjoyed Spanish wine and tapas.
Alumni Leaders Help Create the Stern of Tomorrow

Alumni Council members Allan Boomer (MBA ’04) (left), Chair, and Chris O’Connell (MBA ’00) connected at an Alumni Council event. |
The Alumni Council comprises the top tier of alumni volunteers and ambassadors of the School, representing a variety of graduation years, degree programs, industries, job functions, and geographic locations. Appointed to a three-year term, Council members serve in a variety of capacities to actively support the educational excellence of Stern and foster community among and between alumni, students, and the School.
Representing their peers, council members voice the passions and interests of the community at large, which drives alumni programming for events that occur around the globe. This past year, under the direction of Allan Boomer (MBA ’04), the Council took its leadership to new heights by concentrating its efforts on increasing philanthropy and alumni engagement within the network.
Through its collaboration with class agents and alumni committees, the Council works to inspire graduates to reconnect with the Stern community and to adopt a culture of giving – through student mentorship, recruiting efforts, and financial contribution. In September, the Stern Women In Business (SWIB) Alumnae Committee kicked off a three-year fundraising campaign to raise $100,000 in support of the $35 million transformative facilities renovation known as the Concourse Project. By offering not only their time, but also their monetary support, SWIB alumnae have been able to immediately and powerfully impact the lives of current and future students.
In addition, the Council began an increased engagement effort with the student body in order to create a stronger bond between students and alumni, and to ease the post-graduation transition, a fundamental focus especially in this current economic climate. Alumni volunteers assisted the Council by supporting programs including MBA Pre-Term Orientation, conferences held by student groups such as the Media, Entertainment & Sports Association (MESA) and SWIB, and the Council’s Student Affairs Committee.
The Alumni Council members, while certainly some of Stern’s biggest supporters, could not make such a great impact on the School without the help of the committee members, alumni volunteers, and the Stern community at large.
The Council will continue to engage more people to volunteer, attend an event, or make a gift to the School. Stern’s doors are always open to alumni and now, more than ever, the School needs your support. To learn more about the Alumni Council, to become involved in a committee, or to find an up-to-date listing of all alumni programming worldwide, please visit the alumni website at www.stern.nyu.edu/alumni or call (212) 998-4040.

Members of the MBA Class of 2004 reconnected at the reunion reception. |
Alumni Reconnect at NYU
Alumni Day 2009
For the seventh year in a row, hundreds of NYU alumni gathered on Washington Square on October 3, for NYU’s annual Alumni Day. NYU Stern graduates from around the world came back to campus to take part in reunion activities, including five- and 10-year reunion receptions, to reconnect and network with former classmates over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.
The reunion receptions celebrated the commitment of those alumni who fulfilled their Legacy pledges and the members of each class who contributed financially to Stern over the past five years. Alumni also had the opportunity to tour the newly completed Concourse Project – the School’s transformative $35 million facilities renovation.
In addition, alumni joined Dean of the Undergraduate College Sally Blount at the annual Dean’s Luncheon, where she delivered a State of the School Address, and they attended programs showcasing some of NYU’s most dynamic and innovative faculty and alumni.
Overall, more than 2,000 alumni and friends joined in the annual celebration.