Natalia Levina

Natalia Levina

Joined Stern 2001

Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Kaufman Management Center
44 West Fourth Street, 8-78
New York, NY 10012

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Natalia Levina has received her Ph.D. in Information Technology from MIT’s Sloan School of Management and is a Full Chair Professor at New York University Stern School of Business. She focuses on how people span organizational, professional, cultural, and other boundaries while producing and using technological innovations. Currently, she studies the evaluation and adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medicine and HR, open innovation, theories of smart contracts, and firm-community relationships in crowdsourcing..

Prof. Levina is an innovative teacher who has developed a unique course on “Digital Innovation & Crowdsourcing,” which has been receiving stellar evaluations in undergraduate, MBA, and Executive MBA programs. She has been nominated for the Best Professor Award by NYU Stern’s EMBA students. She is a frequent speaker on these topics in academic and industry conferences..

Her research has been published in top journals such as Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Decision Sciences Journal, and Harvard Business Review, among others. She has received the Best Published Paper of 2021 and of 2015 Awards in the field of Information Systems, Best Published Paper of 2015 award from the Academy of Management Research Methods Division, Best Published Paper of 2014 award from the Academy of Management OCIS Division, numerous best conference paper awards, and two Ph.D. dissertation awards. Prof. Levina has previously served as a Senior Editor at Information Systems Research, as a board member of Organization Science journal, and is currently an editorial board member of Information & Organizations. She has served as a program co-chair for the 2016 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the conference chair for the Collective Intelligence Conference (2016). She has co-founded and chaired AIS Special Interest Group (SIG) on the Grounded Theory Method from 2016-2020. Prof. Levina was awarded numerous research grants, including Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Industry Studies Fellowship, the IBM Shared University Research Award, and the National Science Foundation VOSS Research Grant. She was a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge (UK), the U. of Hawaii, and the University of California Santa Barbara. She has an ongoing appointment as a Research Environment Professor at the Warwick Business School at the U. of Warwick (UK)..

In 2022, Prof. Levina became a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems..

Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence adoption in medicine
  • Cross-boundary collaboration
  • Open innovation and crowdsourcing
  • Smart contracts
  • Qualitative research methods

Courses Taught

  • Digital Innovation & Crowdsourcing
  • Digital Technology in Organizations Research Seminar
  • Global Sourcing and Open Innovation

Academic Background

Ph.D., Information Technology, 2001

M.A., Mathematics, 1994
Boston University

B.A., Computer Science and Mathematics, 1994
Boston University

Awards & Appointments

Academy of Management, OCIS Division Best Published Paper Winner 2015
National Science Foundation VOSS Collaboration Grant 2011
New York University University Research Challenge Grant 2011
Academy of Management OCIS Division, Caroline Dexter Award 2009
International Conference on Inter-Cultural Collaboration Best Paper Award 2009
IBM Grant to study Global Delivery of Professional Services 2008
IBM Shared University Research Award 2007
International Conference on Inter-Cultural Collaboration Best Paper in Track Award 2006
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Fellow 2005

Selected Publications

Bhatia A., Levina, N. (2020)
The Diverse Rationalities of Entrepreneurship Education: An Epistemic Stance Perspective
Academy of Management Learning & Education

Shaikh, M., and Levina N. (2019)
Selecting an Open Innovation Community as an Alliance Partner: Looking for Healthy Communities and Ecosystem
Research Policy

Kane, A. A. & N. Levina (2017)
Am I still one of them?”: Bicultural immigrant managers navigating social identity threats when spanning global boundaries
Journal of Management Studies, Articles in Advance

Anne-Laure Fayard, Emmanouil Gkeredakis, Natalia Levina (2016)
Framing Innovation Opportunities While Staying Committed to an Organizational Epistemic Stance
Information Systems Research

Vaast E. and N. Levina (2015)
Speaking as one, but not speaking up: Dealing with New Taint in an Occupational Online Community
Information and Organizations (“articles in print” online since March, 2015)

Levina, N. and M. Arriaga (2015)
Distinction and Status Production on User-Generated Content Platforms: Using Bourdieu’s Theory of Cultural Production to Understand Social Dynamics in Online Fields
ISR. Best Published Paper Winner, AOM OCIS Division.

Levina, Natalia and Wanda Orlikowski (2009)
Understanding Shifting Power Relations within and across Organizations: A Critical Genre Analysis
Academy of Management Journal

Levina, Natalia and N. Su (2008)
Global IT Multisourcing Strategy: The Emergence of Supplier Portfolio in Services Offshoring
Decision Sciences

Levina, Natalia and E. Vaast (2008)
Innovating or Doing as Told? Status Differences and Overlapping Boundaries in Offshore Collaboration
MIS Quarterly

Emmanuelle Vaast and Levina, Natalia (2006)
Multiple Faces of Codification: Organizational Redesign in an IT Organization
Organization Science

Areas of Expertise


  • IBM


  • Consulting
  • Information Technology


  • Global Expansion
  • Technology & Innovation


  • China
  • Europe
  • India
  • United States

Technology, Operations & Statistics

  • Data Science
  • Net Neutrality
  • Outsourcing